Welcome to the official web page for the independent film, The Effects of Tragedy

Life is about participation. For Sydney Granger that was one thing she hardly did anymore. After the tragic death of her father as a young girl, Sydney retreated into herself becoming a wallflower; not one classmate noticed. But when her only confidante, a maintenance worker, is transferred and the new guy in school takes a liking to her, she begins to notice the importance of participation. Even when tragedy strikes, our actions and relationships keep us from falling apart.

This film was written and produced by Ashton Kennedy and Morgan Griffin starting in March 2008. The film was shot in Coppell, TX.

Director Statement

"The Effects of Tragedy" was produced with the intent to be a creative, fun learning experience for myself as well as the numerous students involved on the project. The original script was written by my best friend, Morgan Griffin. The film was shot and edited over the summer after graduation. We wanted to create one last film together before we headed off in new directions as college began. As a result, we have this story that we hope to share with others through festivals and other screenings.

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